Hatred Wikia
Not Important executing a civilian

Not Important performing an execution on a civilian with his assault rifle.

Bandicam 2017-06-08 13-00-03-081

Not Important executing a military soldier with his firearm.

Executions are an important finishing move in Hatred. There are 2 types of executions: either be with a melee weapon or with a firearm. The executions are available also for the Psychocop, the Recidivist and the Widowmaker from the DLC Survival mode.

When a person (civilian/police/swat/army) is on the ground and severely injured, The Crusader can do an execution which is either a bullet(s) to the chest, a headshot, striking his weapon on a victim's head or the back, a stomp to the skull or multiple stabs to either the chest or the head. This will heal the player to a certain percentage of their health (varies by Difficulty).



  • Quick Execution

    The Antagonist doing the quick execution on a homeless person.

    Upon performing an execution with any firearms, the ammo doesn't get consumed and remains inside the weapon. This can be used as a tactic to save bullets.
    • If a player has no ammo in their current weapon, their weapon will suddenly have ammo when performing an execution.
    • When the Antagonist's health is full and performs an execution, the animation will not close up and become less dramatic, he will instead simply shoots with his firearms rather than his knife or melee strikes.
      • His firearms won't consume any ammo, similarly like in the full animated executions.
  • The player is immune to all types of damage while performing an execution. This can be used to the player's advantage to gain immunity from the enemy's firepower for survival tactics.
  • Bugged Execution Sign

    The Crusader triggering a glitched execution with his shotgun on a civilian, killing them but the sign of execution appears.

    The player must be quick to perform an execution, as an injured person will die below 10 seconds.
  • Bugged Execution

    The Antagonist performing the execution, only to have the victim not moving nor screaming. Notice how his knife doesn't stabs the body of the victim and just the ground.

    A glitch can during an execution: if the player shoots a victim and kills them, the sign of execution can sometimes appear above the corpse of the dead victim. If the player performs the execution, the Crusader's animations when he normally execute a person activates but the victim does not scream nor moves. This happen mostly with the shotgun, as it's damage is higher than other firearms and can easily break through the "execution state" of a dying person.